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FFL & CLASS 3 NFA SOT Dealer in Bend, OR 97702 Voice (458)202-0836 Text (541)527-5117
19660 Apache Rd. Bend, OR 97702
*We can special order any gun or silencer you are looking for no problem! 2 DAY AIR SHIPPING ON HANDGUNS
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Looking for a Handgun, Rifle, Modern Sporting Rifle, AR, Revolver, Shotgun, Plinkers, SBR, SBS, Silencer, we have you covered! Click on any of the links below to Search our Supplier's Inventory. Prices are shown as MSRP, but don't worry, when you find the firearms or suppressor you want Contact us with the Manufacturer, Model number, Item number, or UPC code and we'll get back to you with a quote less than MSRP including Free Shipping. Have any questions please call/ text or use the contact button at the top of the page. Thanks for lookin!
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